Heartbeat GJ

Survivors After Suicide Loss

Heartbeat was organized to help survivors absorb the impact of the self-inflicted death, to offer comfort of empathy, understanding and to support each other toward a healthy resolution to the grief.

Please contact us via email at gjheartbeat@gmail.com if you have any issues using this site. We appreciate your patience.

No matter where you are in your grief journey, you are among those who listen with compassion and understanding.

 Topic for July 2024:  Lymphatic Drainage Technique – Guest Speaker Kat MacArthur a licensed massage therapist will demonstrate and lead us in an activity on the importance of taking care of our immune system through lymphatic drainage. Not only is it important to take care of one’s emotional and mental health, but physical health is essential as well. During stressful times or going through grief, the immune system is compromised. Helping the body detox through two simple techniques will improve physical health and emotional and mental well-being by helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Topic for August 2024 -  Local artist and poet laureate Wendy Videlock will lead us in a creative venture activity of expressing grief through art that will nurture us. No art experience necessary. You may say, “Oh, I’m not creative or good at art.” It doesn’t matter! Our past art activities have provided insights and expressive release for thoughts and emotions. They have been well-received by attendees in the past. So give yourself a chance to do something that perhaps you haven’t done before.

Our meetings offer an opportunity to share and learn ways of coping with grief and stress through discussion and activities. We do not require anyone to have to talk.  Just listening can be enlightening. We are always open to suggestions for topics or activities. We do not walk alone.

Upcoming event: Save the date - Saturday, November 23, 2024 - A Day of Remembrance. We will repeat this event again this year with crafts and activities, a memorial ceremony, and a lantern float on the lake, from 3-6 p.m., at Martins Mortuary. Registration process forthcoming! Those who attended last year really enjoyed the many activities, music, food, ceremony and lantern floating. Please join us in remembering loved ones who have died by suicide.

If you or someone you know is in need of support,and you’d like to talk to a peer, warmline.org contains links to warmlines in every state. For peer support in Colorado call 1-844-493-(TALK) and press *, or text “TALK” to 38255. The national suicide hotline number is 1-800-273-TALK, with a chat option, or text ‘HOME’ TO 741741. New National Hotline 988.

NOTE: Many crisis related resources could utilize restrictive interventions, like active rescues (wellness or welfare checks) involving law enforcement or emergency services. A warmline is least likely to do this, but may still have such policies. You can ask if this is a possibility at any point in your conversation if this is a concern for you. 


GriefShare - GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Christian centered program. griefshare.org

HopeWest Kids - Grades K-12: Grief support, classes, and camps for children and teens. hopewestco.org/hopewest-kids

The Compassionate Friends - Mesa - Child, grandchild, and sibling loss support group. The Compassionate Friends are welcoming to suicide loss survivors. Through The Compassionate Friend’s website, there are more print, virtual, and social media support options.compassionatefriends.org

NEW - The Heartlight Center now has a support group meeting on the 4th Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m., at Taylor's Funeral Home in Delta. $15 donation suggested. Some groups meet at Brown's Funeral Home. A virtual group meets via Zoom on the 2nd Thursdays at 7 p.m. Registration required. Contact Carrie Bauer at cbauer@heartlightcenter.org or call 720-748-9908, for more information on new groups or opportunities on grief support.


Alliance of Hope for Suicide Survivors - Offering loss survivor resources and an 24/7 online discussion forum where you can connect with others who’ve lost a loved one to suicide. Allianceofhope.org

Colorado Grief Care - Downloadable pamphlets for people bereaved by suicide in Mesa County. coloradogriefcare.org

Friends for Survival - Monthly newsletter, virtual suicide loss support group meetings, and printed resources. Friendsforsurvival.org

Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing - for those who have lost someone to substance use or addiction. Print, virtual, and social media support resources. Grasphelp.org

iCare Packages - iCare packages contain resources to help support an individual or family with the loss of a loved one to suicide. Suicidepreventioncolorado.org/icare-packages

The Dougy Center - Online print and virtual resources for children, teens, young adults and their families grieving a death can share their experiences. Dougy.org

Veterans Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) - Offering compassionate support to those who lost a loved one while serving in the Armed Forces. Mesa County does not have an active TAPS chapter, though the Grand Junction VA Medical Center does have several peer and clinical providers trained in suicide loss support. Taps.org

ManTherapy - Designed for helping men with grief, loss, stress, feelings, and general issues, in a way that appeals to men. Hosted by Richard Mahogany, Mantherapy.org.

If you are struggling to find resources for any needs go to https://www.mesacounty.us>Grandvalleyconnects.com. Don't let a lack of resources to help you in life's situations become a crisis. There are solutions! They will help you find and connect to resources that can help.

Heartbeat meets on the third Tuesday monthly, 7-8:30pm at First Congregational Church, 1425 N 5th St, Grand Junction, (Center building, West door, back parking lot). We welcome all who have lost a loved one or friend to suicide.

We gather casually on the second Saturday, monthly, 1:30-3:30 at Four Winds Coffee & Tea, 1235 Bookcliff Ave, Grand Junction.  Please join us.